martinchic Wed Mar 07, 2012 5:58 pm
I got into a buying frenzy during the presales last year, and ended up with WAY to may tickets!
So I am selling them off:
1. London O2 23rd May: 2 x Block A, Row G tickets (I paid £149 each for these as they are Hot tickets and I will sell them for the face value + postage costs)
2. London O2 24th May: 2 tickets in the first 5 rows (tcikets are part of the platinum package, so I'm not sure which rows yet, could be Row A, B, C,D or E) TICKETS ONLY, not meet and greet!
(I paid £149 each for these as they are Hot tickets and I will sell them for £180 each + postage costs)
3. 1 x front row ticket (Block A row A) for London O2, 24th May (I paid £149 for this as it is a Hot ticket - selling for £200 + postage costs)
Tickets not in hand yet. Email confirmation will be sent to you, and ticket posted as soon I receive them.
If anyone is interested, I will create an ebay sale from which you can buy off to protect both you and me.